25.03 05:00
60 Min
O imitatoare de staruri pop le face o vizită medicilor, după ce injecţiile cu silicon i-au provocat apariţia unei adâncituri în bărbie. (E! Entertainment)
25.03 05:00
60 Min
Botched 4
Double Bubble And No Butt Trouble (E! Entertainment HD)
25.03 05:00
60 Min
(sua, 2018, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 15) Doua bule si un...... (E!)
25.03 05:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ4 Ε15
DIS0019323915,2872969458,14 (E! HD)
25.03 05:00
60 Min
Double Bubble And No Butt Trouble. A pop star impersonator visits the doctors after silicone injections leave her with a dented chin. ()
25.03 05:00
60 Min
O imitatoare de staruri pop le face o vizita medicilor, dupa ce injectiile cu silicon i-au provocat aparitia unei adancituri in barbie. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
25.03 05:00
60 Min
Double Bubble And No Butt Trouble. A pop star impersonator visits the doctors after silicone injections leave her with a dented chin. (E!)
25.03 09:40
55 Min
Dr Dubrow helps a New Jersey housewife's agitated breasts, while Dr Nassif tackles a car-wrecked twin's twisted nose. (E!)
25.03 09:40
55 Min
Dr. Dubrow "potoleste" sanii zburdalnici ai unei sotii casnice din New Jersey, iar dr. Nassif repara nasul unui geaman care a avut un accident rutier. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
25.03 09:40
55 Min
Botched 4
The Real Boobs Of New Jersey (E! Entertainment HD)