09.03 22:35
50 Min
Butchered Breasts And Nasal Nightmares S05 E13. Wanneer een cosmetische ingreep gedaan wordt, gaat dit niet altijd zoals gepland. Plastisch chirurgen Paul Nassif en Terry Dubrow proberen de schade van de eerste procedure terug te draaien. (Play7)
09.03 23:25
55 Min
Welcome To Jurassic Schnoz S05 E14. Wanneer een cosmetische ingreep gedaan wordt, gaat dit niet altijd zoals gepland. Plastisch chirurgen Paul Nassif en Terry Dubrow proberen de schade van de eerste procedure terug te draaien. (Play7)
10.03 09:40
55 Min
Paul orders tests for a woman with a botched nose and discovers shocking news. The doctors try to get two "botched bunnies" back in centerfold shape. (E!)
10.03 09:40
55 Min
Paul află veşti şocante, cerând ca unei femei cu nasul distrus să i se facă analize. Doctorii ajută doi "iepuraşi" să-şi recapete aspectul de revistă. (E! Entertainment)
10.03 09:40
55 Min
Paul afla vesti socante, cerand ca unei femei cu nasul distrus sa i se faca analize. Doctorii ajuta doi "iepurasi" sa-si recapete aspectul de revista. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
10.03 09:40
55 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 13) Probleme de doua...... (E!)
10.03 09:40
55 Min
Paul orders tests for a woman with a botched nose and discovers shocking news. The doctors try to get two "botched bunnies" back in centerfold shape. ()
10.03 09:40
55 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε13
DIS0019323474,2872424862,12 (E! HD)
10.03 10:35
55 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 14) Dr Nassif mi-a...... (E!)
10.03 10:35
55 Min
După ce-i salvează viaţa lui Luci, Paul poate să-i repare şi nasul. Terry repară pieptul unui DJ, iar doctorii cunosc o femeie ce suferă de anxietate. (E! Entertainment)
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