12.03 20:00
60 Min
Paul helps a singer find his voice again by performing a rhinoplasty. The doctors assist a woman whose earlobes are stretched to almost two inches. (E!)
12.03 20:00
60 Min
Paul ajută un cântăreţ să-şi recapete vocea, executând o rinoplastie. Doctorii ajută o femeie care are lobii urechilor lungi de aproape cinci cm. (E! Entertainment)
12.03 20:00
60 Min
Paul helps a singer find his voice again by performing a rhinoplasty. The doctors assist a woman whose earlobes are stretched to almost two inches. ()
12.03 20:00
60 Min
Botched 3
Pinched Perfect (E! Entertainment HD)
12.03 20:00
60 Min
(sua, 2016, s. reality show, sezonul 3, episodul 3) In cautarea... Cu:... (E!)
12.03 20:00
60 Min
Paul ajuta un cantaret sa-si recapete vocea, executand o rinoplastie. Doctorii ajuta o femeie care are lobii urechilor lungi de aproape cinci cm. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
12.03 20:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019323599,2872804348,2 (E! HD)
12.03 21:00
60 Min
Paul helps a female impersonator who isn't comfortable walking the streets without makeup, a woman with "sideshow boobs" goes under the knife to help her marriage. (E!)
12.03 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ3 Ε4
DIS0019323603,2872804348,3 (E! HD)
12.03 21:00
60 Min
(sua, 2016, s. reality show, sezonul 3, episodul 4) De doua ori dezastru... (E!)
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