30.09 21:00
60 Min
(sua, 2016, s. reality show, sezonul 3, episodul 9) Short Changed at... (E!)
30.09 21:00
60 Min
O femeie trans care şi-a făcut rinoplastie în Mexic îi cere lui dr Nassif să-i repare nasul turtit. Dr Dubrow se ocupă de o dublă mastectomie ratată. (E! Entertainment)
30.09 21:00
60 Min
Botched 3
Short Changed at the Nipple Bank (E! Entertainment HD)
30.09 21:00
60 Min
A transgender woman who got her rhinoplasty in Mexico seeks Dr Nassif's help to fix her collapsed nose. (E!)
30.09 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ3 Ε9
DIS0017924585,2872804348,8 (E! HD)
30.09 21:00
60 Min
A transgender woman who got her rhinoplasty in Mexico seeks Dr Nassif's help to fix her collapsed nose. ()
30.09 22:50
55 Min
6 .Staffel, Folge 16. Doku-Soap, USA 2020. Schielende Nippel und Kartellhüften. Mit Terry J. Dubrow: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)
30.09 23:00
60 Min
Baby Got Front Butt--A woman is left with a front butt on her stomach after a mommy-makeover; a familiar face from "Botched By Nature" returns with a collapsed nose; an influencer who believes her body is a surgically sculpted work of art ha (AFN|family)
30.09 23:45
40 Min
6 .Staffel, Folge 17. Doku-Soap, USA 2020. Schick mir ein Mir-Ohr-Akel. Mit Kasia Dolkowska, Terry J. Dubrow, Sheyla Hershey: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)
01.10 00:25
40 Min
3 .Staffel, Folge 6. Doku-Soap, USA 2016. Plastisch Fantastisch. Mit Terry J. Dubrow, Paul Nassif, Angelique Morgan: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)
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