04.12 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ6 Ε9
DIS0018666908,2873236145,8 (E! HD)
04.12 21:00
60 Min
(sua, 2020, s. reality show, sezonul 6, episodul 9) Sani de zombie Cu:... (E!)
04.12 21:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif kicks the butt off a patient's nose, while Dr Dubrow helps a single mother whose breast implant fell out while brushing her teeth. (E!)
04.12 21:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif kicks the butt off a patient's nose, while Dr Dubrow helps a single mother whose breast implant fell out while brushing her teeth. ()
04.12 21:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif remodelează nasul unui pacient, iar dr Dubrow ajută o mamă singură al cărei implant mamar s-a desprins când se spăla pe dinţi. (E! Entertainment)
05.12 03:00
60 Min
(sua, 2019, s. reality show, sezonul 6, episodul 7) Tot ce vreau de...... (E!)
05.12 03:00
60 Min
A mom who claims Santa broke her nose seeks Dr. Nassif's help, while a woman with cobwebbed areolas is haunted by the ghosts of surgeries past. (E!)
05.12 03:00
60 Min
A mom who claims Santa broke her nose seeks Dr. Nassif's help, while a woman with cobwebbed areolas is haunted by the ghosts of surgeries past. ()
05.12 03:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ6 Ε7
DIS0018666777,2873236145,6 (E! HD)
05.12 03:00
60 Min
O mamă zice că Moş Crăciun i-a spart nasul şi cere ajutorul dr Nassif, iar o femeie cu areole crăpate e bântuită de fantomele operaţiilor anterioare. (E! Entertainment)
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