07.01 05:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ4 Ε6
DIS0018896470,2872969458,5 (E! HD)
07.01 05:00
60 Min
(sua, 2017, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 6) 4.000 cm cubi si... (E!)
07.01 05:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif takes on a man with three eyebrows while Dr Dubrow operates on a mother who refers to her botched breasts as 'saggy baggies'. (E!)
07.01 05:00
60 Min
Botched 4
4000cc's And Counting (E! Entertainment HD)
07.01 05:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif takes on a man with three eyebrows while Dr Dubrow operates on a mother who refers to her botched breasts as 'saggy baggies'. ()
07.01 05:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif se ocupă de un bărbat care are trei pleoape, iar dr Dubrow operează o mamă care îşi numeşte sânii deformaţi "punguţe moi". (E! Entertainment)
07.01 09:00
60 Min
(sua, 2017, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 4) A face sau a nu... (E!)
07.01 09:00
60 Min
Rodrigo Alves, dependent de operaţii estetice, revine după trei intervenţii la nas într-un an. O dominatrix se supune unei proceduri neconvenţionale. (E! Entertainment)
07.01 09:45
55 Min
Rodrigo Alves returns after three nasal surgeries in a year. A dominatrix undergoes an unconventional procedure. (E!)
07.01 09:45
55 Min
Botched 4
To Implant Or Not To Implant... (E! Entertainment HD)