08.02 04:00
60 Min
The Boss B**** of Northern Kentucky wants to downsize her million dollar breasts, and Dr Nassif helps a woman with a hot hubby fix her nose. (E!)
08.02 04:00
60 Min
Botched 6
Bunny Boobs & Pooch Patrol (E! Entertainment HD)
08.02 04:00
60 Min
The Boss B**** of Northern Kentucky wants to downsize her million dollar breasts, and Dr Nassif helps a woman with a hot hubby fix her nose. ()
08.02 04:00
60 Min
Boss B**** din Kentucky vrea sa-si micsoreze sanii de un milion de dolari, iar dr Nassi ajuta o femeie care are un sot aratos sa-si repare nasul. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
08.02 04:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ6 Ε10
DIS0019085969,2873236145,9 (E! HD)
08.02 04:00
60 Min
(sua, 2020, s. reality show, sezonul 6, episodul 10) Sani ditamai &...... (E!)
08.02 04:00
60 Min
Boss B**** din Kentucky vrea să-şi micşoreze sânii de un milion de dolari, iar dr Nassi ajută o femeie care are un soţ arătos să-şi repare nasul. (E! Entertainment)
08.02 05:00
60 Min
(sua, 2020, s. reality show, sezonul 6, episodul 11) Vedete reality...... (E!)
08.02 05:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif has a ruff case when a dog bite needs some TLC. Dr Dubrow has his hands full with an OG reality star's Real World uni-boob situation. ()
08.02 05:00
60 Min
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Reality Star Vixens and Afflictions (E! Entertainment HD)