08.02 14:30
30 Min
Scams & Scandals: Botched: The Brazilian Butt Lift Nightmar
Disfigured and in agony. We investigate the man charging thousands for dodgy butt lifts. (BBC News)
08.02 14:30
30 Min
Scams & Scandals: Botched: The Brazilian Butt Lift Nightmar
Disfigured and in agony. We investigate the man charging thousands for dodgy butt lifts. ()
08.02 15:15
55 Min
După ce-i salvează viaţa lui Luci, Paul poate să-i repare şi nasul. Terry repară pieptul unui DJ, iar doctorii cunosc o femeie ce suferă de anxietate. (E! Entertainment)
08.02 15:15
55 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 14) Dr Nassif mi-a...... (E!)
08.02 15:15
55 Min
Botched 2
Dr Nassif Saved My Life (E! Entertainment HD)
08.02 15:15
55 Min
After saving Luci's life, Paul is given the go-ahead to fix her nose. Terry repairs a DJ's chest and the doctors meet a woman with anxiety issues. ()
08.02 15:15
55 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε14
DIS0019085770,2872424862,13 (E! HD)
08.02 15:15
55 Min
Dupa ce-i salveaza viata lui Luci, Paul poate sa-i repare si nasul. Terry repara pieptul unui DJ, iar doctorii cunosc o femeie ce sufera de anxietate. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
08.02 15:15
55 Min
After saving Luci's life, Paul is given the go-ahead to fix her nose. Terry repairs a DJ's chest and the doctors meet a woman with anxiety issues. (E!)
08.02 22:40
60 Min
5 .Staffel, Folge 11. Doku-Soap, USA 2019. Zauberbrüste. Mit Antoinette Love Ransom, Koffajuah Toeque, Amanda Ahola: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)