25.11 20:00
60 Min
The Doctors help a woman whose nose was botched by the House of Horrors. Tanya hopes to remove a scar reminding her of her unborn twin. Sarah Burge seeks eternal youth. (E!)
25.11 20:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε7
DIS0018374041,2872424862,6 (E! HD)
25.11 20:00
60 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 7) Casa groazei Cu:... (E!)
25.11 20:00
60 Min
Botched 2
House of Horrors (E! Entertainment HD)
25.11 20:00
60 Min
The Doctors help a woman whose nose was botched by the House of Horrors. Tanya hopes to remove a scar reminding her of her unborn twin. Sarah Burge seeks eternal youth. ()
25.11 20:00
60 Min
Doctorii o ajută pe o femeie cu nasul distrus la "Casa groazei". Tanya speră să i se îndepărteze o cicatrice care-i aminteşte de geamănul ei nenăscut. (E! Entertainment)
25.11 21:00
60 Min
The doctors have their hands full with a personal trainer willing to go to extreme measures to remove a head scar while a cancer survivor wants her breasts to look natural. (E!)
25.11 21:00
60 Min
Boob Freak! (E! Entertainment HD)
25.11 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ1 Ε6
DIS0018374042,2872247062,5 (E! HD)
25.11 21:00
60 Min
Un trainer personal vrea cu orice preţ să-şi îndepărteze o cicatrice de pe cap. O femeie care a învins cancerul vrea ca sânii ei să arate natural. (E! Entertainment)
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