09.01 10:00
60 Min
Breaking News
Breaking News (ABC HD)
09.01 10:00
120 Min
Breaking me Fiori Dardha
Emision (Top News HD)
09.01 13:00
180 Min
Breaking me Xhoi Malºsia
Emision (Top News HD)
09.01 17:00
180 Min
Breaking me Dafina Hysa
Emision (Top News HD)
09.01 18:45
135 Min
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
The Quileutes close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks. (TV1000)
09.01 22:00
60 Min
Breaking Bad 3 (odc. 1)
Skyler dowiedziała się o metamfetaminie i chce rozwieść się z Waltem. (AMC)
09.01 22:30
45 Min
Breaking Mysterious
The team attempts to capture the first-ever audio recording of New Mexico's bizarre ""Taos Hum"" which many say has been plaguing the area for decades. (History 2.)
10.01 03:05
60 Min
Breaking Bad
(Ep 1:8/s5) Drama, USA, 2012. (TV6 HD (S))
10.01 07:00
135 Min
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
After the birth of Renesmee/Nessie, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi. (TV1000)
10.01 09:50
105 Min
Breaking Point - Make it or Break it
Drama (Sky Cinema Family)