03.03 02:15
30 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
Documentary, Germany, 2024. (DW English)
03.03 02:15
30 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation ""Four Paws" fights against the illegal puppy trade. ()
03.03 02:15
30 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy.
Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation ""Four Paws" fights against the illegal puppy trade. (DW English)
03.03 02:15
30 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
(DW English HD)
03.03 02:15
30 Min
DocFilm. Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel.
(DW English HD)
03.03 02:15
30 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
Документален, Германия, 2024, Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation ""Four Paws" fights against the illegal puppy (DW)
03.03 06:02
28 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy.
Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation ""Four Paws" fights against the illegal puppy trade. (DW English)
03.03 06:02
28 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
(DW English HD)
03.03 06:02
28 Min
DocFilm. Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel.
(DW English HD)
03.03 06:02
28 Min
Bringing Criminal Puppy Traders to Heel
Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation ""Four Paws" fights against the illegal puppy trade. ()
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