22.01 17:05
60 Min
Anstiftung, Detective / Thriller 2019, Season:3 Episode:16, FSK 12 (Kabelio Puls acht)
22.01 17:10
55 Min
(Kabelio Puls acht)
22.01 18:00
60 Min
Bull: Súdny špecialista VI (13)
Bull pomáha svojmu priateľovi, armádnemu psychiatrovi plukovníkovi Victorovi Taggertovi, obhájiť seržanta obvineného z vraždy spolubojovníka s argumentom zníženej príčetnosti. (DOMA HD)
22.01 18:00
60 Min
Bull: Súdny špecialista VI (13)
(The Hard Right), Seriál USA (2021-2022). Hrajú: M. Weatherly, G. Carrová, Ch. Jackson, J. L. Kirchnerová, Y. Martine... (Doma HD)
22.01 18:00
60 Min
Bull: Súdny špecialista VI (13)
(Doma HD)
22.01 23:05
15 Min
Red Bull Flying Bach
(UHD1 by ASTRA / HD+)
23.01 03:00
40 Min
Bull represents a teenager arrested for robbing a jewellery store with an older man, arguing that she was a victim of his abuse and not his willing accomplice. (STAR Crime HD)
23.01 03:40
50 Min
Bull takes a psychologist friend as a client when the therapist is sued for malpractice following a patient's deadly rampage. (STAR Crime HD)
23.01 04:40
40 Min
(Kabelio Puls acht)
23.01 05:20
40 Min
(Kabelio Puls acht)