02.03 16:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Hackers have been able to access solar power plants and rooftop solar installations in Europe. The amount of energy they could manipulate is critical to grid stability. ()
02.03 16:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Hackers have been able to access solar power plants and rooftop solar installations in Europe. The amount of energy they could manipulate is critical to grid stability. (DW English)
02.03 16:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Business Beyond: How hackers could attack Europe's energy grid (Part 1) (DW English HD)
02.03 16:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
02.03 16:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Икономика, Германия, Hackers have been able to access solar power plants and rooftop solar installations in Europe. The amount of energy they could manipulate is critical to grid stability. (DW)