15.01 00:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
(DW English HD)
15.01 00:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Икономика, Германия, Volkswagen, Europe's biggest car maker, is stuck in a crisis. A shrinking European market, more competition in China and slow electric vehicle uptake mean VW must cut costs. (DW)
15.01 00:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Volkswagen, Europe's biggest car maker, is stuck in a crisis. A shrinking European market, more competition in China and slow electric vehicle uptake mean VW must cut costs. ()
15.01 00:15
15 Min
Business Beyond
Volkswagen, Europe's biggest car maker, is stuck in a crisis. A shrinking European market, more competition in China and slow electric vehicle uptake mean VW must cut costs. (DW English)
15.01 00:15
15 Min
Business Beyond. Why Volkswagen is struggling to reinvent itself.
(DW English HD)
15.01 01:00
60 Min
Global Business
News, China. (CGTN HD)
15.01 01:00
60 Min
Global Business
Informativni (CGTN. )
15.01 01:15
5 Min
Οικονομία και Επιχειρήσεις
DIS0019124296 (France 24 En)
15.01 01:15
5 Min
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics. ()
15.01 01:15
5 Min
Business on France 24 gives you a perfect chance to get the business updates as they come and to be up to speed on international finances and economics. Business keeps you posted on everything that really matters in our fast moving world. (France 24 HD (in English))
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