06.03 08:10
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Nick takes on the case of a police dog that has been accused of the death of his human handler, while DB probes the murder of a divorce lawyer, and finds he has no shortage of suspects. (STAR Crime HD)
06.03 09:05
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Nick takes on the case of a police dog that has been accused of the death of his human handler, while DB probes the murder of a divorce lawyer, and finds he has no shortage of suspects. (STAR Crime HD)
06.03 16:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (1)
(Paramount Network)
06.03 18:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2)
(Paramount Network)
06.03 20:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
A case from Finlay's past comes back to haunt her when a military crash site yields several bodies - including one of a woman who Finn tried to prove had been murdered by a rich ranch owner. (STAR Crime HD)
06.03 21:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
A case from Finlay's past comes back to haunt her when a military crash site yields several bodies - including one of a woman who Finn tried to prove had been murdered by a rich ranch owner. (STAR Crime HD)
07.03 03:30
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2)
(Paramount Network)
07.03 08:10
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
A case from Finlay's past comes back to haunt her when a military crash site yields several bodies - including one of a woman who Finn tried to prove had been murdered by a rich ranch owner. (STAR Crime HD)
07.03 09:05
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
A case from Finlay's past comes back to haunt her when a military crash site yields several bodies - including one of a woman who Finn tried to prove had been murdered by a rich ranch owner. (STAR Crime HD)
07.03 11:30
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Shock Waves S11 E01. De toegewijde forensische onderzoekers van het Las Vegas Crime Lab, onder leiding van supervisor DB Russell, werken dag en nacht om de meest gruwelijke misdaden in Sin City op te lossen. (Play5)
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