20.02 08:10
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
The CSI team make a startling discovery at the scene of a crash when a human brain, not belonging to any of the victims, is found. Meanwhile, Russell is concerned for his son. (STAR Crime HD)
20.02 09:05
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime drama series. When the team investigate three apparently unconnected murders, they discover a link to an ex-detective who is currently in the final stages of his battle with cancer. Is he trying... (STAR Crime HD)
20.02 16:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (8)
(Paramount Network)
20.02 18:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (9)
(Paramount Network)
20.02 20:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
When a high-spec weapon is used to murder a captain, the team search for an arms dealer who has gathered his stock from military sources. (9/22) (STAR Crime HD)
20.02 21:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime drama. Doc Robbins's wife Judy comes under suspicion firstly of having an affair, then of murder, when a man's dead body is found in their bedroom. (STAR Crime HD)
21.02 03:30
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (9)
(Paramount Network)
21.02 08:10
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
When a high-spec weapon is used to murder a captain, the team search for an arms dealer who has gathered his stock from military sources. (9/22) (STAR Crime HD)
21.02 09:05
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime drama. Doc Robbins's wife Judy comes under suspicion firstly of having an affair, then of murder, when a man's dead body is found in their bedroom. (STAR Crime HD)
21.02 16:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (9)
(Paramount Network)
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