11.02 21:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Hitting for the Cycle Crime drama. A shift that yields a high bodycount just needs a victim to arrive on the autopsy table after dying fromnatural causes to complete a full house of causes of death. (STAR Crime HD)
11.02 22:55
60 Min
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Las Vegas 5: odc.5
11.02 23:55
60 Min
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Las Vegas 5: odc.6
12.02 03:15
40 Min
CSI: Las Vegas
Otmica Morgana i Ellie, slučaj kanibalizma i ukleta hotelska soba među mnogim su slučajevima koje CSI mora riješiti. (RTL2.)
12.02 03:55
35 Min
CSI: Las Vegas
Kad čovjeka nađu mrtvog u kugli za hrčka ljudske veličine, forenzičari kreću u istragu. Istodobno surađuju i s kolegama iz poslijepodnevne smjene na slučaju serijskog ubojice. (RTL2.)
12.02 08:10
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
An ex-cop, convicted of killing his wife, is found dead just before he is to be granted a new trial. New evidence suggests he may have been framed for the murder. (STAR Crime HD)
12.02 09:05
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Hitting for the Cycle Crime drama. A shift that yields a high bodycount just needs a victim to arrive on the autopsy table after dying fromnatural causes to complete a full house of causes of death. (STAR Crime HD)
12.02 10:10
50 Min
CSI: Vegas
Atomic City S03 E06. Na een existentiële dreiging die het hele misdaadlab in Las Vegas in gevaar brengt, roept een ingenieus nieuw team van forensisch rechercheurs de hulp in van oud-collega's om gerechtigheid te brengen. (Play5)
12.02 12:00
60 Min
CSI: Kriminálka Las Vegas I (19)
(Jemne, jemne), Z únosu a smrti bábätka, ktoré nájdu položené v tráve neďaleko jeho rodného domu, sú okamžite podozri... (WAU HD)
12.02 13:00
60 Min
CSI: Kriminálka Las Vegas I (20)
(Zvuky ticha), Z dopravnej nehody sa vykľuje podlá vražda - nemého mladíka zbili a potom viackrát prešli autom! Mal b... (WAU HD)
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