01.03 19:05
55 Min
Richard Castle (Nathan Filion), un faimos scriitor de romane pline de mistere, este plictisit de propriul succes. Apoi află că un criminal real pune în practică scenele descrise în romanele sale. (AXN Romania)
01.03 19:30
60 Min
Castle Κ3 Ε19
DIS0019512493,8707765,18 (Μακεδονία TV HD)
01.03 19:55
65 Min
Castle 5, ep. 15. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama/Komedija (STAR Channel.)
01.03 19:55
65 Min
In the first of a two-episode story arc, Castle & Beckett begin a murder investigation that also exposes a plot to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy Middle Eastern businessman. (Star Channel HD)
01.03 19:55
65 Min
In the first of a two-episode story arc, Castle & Beckett begin a murder investigation that also exposes a plot to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy Middle Eastern businessman. (STAR HD)
01.03 20:00
60 Min
In the first of a two-episode story arc, Castle & Beckett begin a murder investigation that also exposes a plot to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy Middle Eastern businessman. (STAR HD)
02.03 02:05
45 Min
Castle 6
Drama Series - Ep. 17 ()
02.03 02:05
45 Min
Castle Κ6 Ε17
DIS0019413317,5021766758,16 (FX Life )
02.03 02:50
45 Min
Castle Κ6 Ε18
DIS0019413306,5021766758,17 (FX Life )
02.03 02:50
45 Min
Castle 6
Drama Series - Ep. 18 ()