19.01 13:40
40 Min
Castle VI.
(AXN Romania)
19.01 13:40
50 Min
Peste doar 24 de ore, substantele chimice mortale isi vor face efectul asupra lui Castle. Beckett incearca disperata sa gaseasca toxina si antidotul. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AXN)
19.01 14:30
41 Min
Castle VI.
(AXN Romania)
19.01 14:30
55 Min
Beckett este inca la Washington, iar Castle ii ajuta pe Esposito si Ryan sa investigheze cazul uciderii unui fost copil-vedeta. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AXN)
19.01 16:00
60 Min
Castle (Jocky TV)
19.01 16:00
60 Min
Amerikai Sorozatok (2011.), 60perc (Jocky TV)
19.01 17:00
60 Min
Amerikai Sorozatok (2011.), 60perc (Jocky TV)
19.01 17:00
60 Min
A Castle és Beckett egy pizzasütőben holtan talált férfi ügyét dolgozza fel, de kiderül, hogy nem az étteremhez köthető valaki - ez egy riporter. (Jocky TV)
19.01 18:05
55 Min
A murder scene complete with lots of blood but no victim and high tech life-extension science are all part of the investigation as Castle and Beckett try to solve a murder without a body. (STAR HD)
19.01 18:05
55 Min
A murder scene complete with lots of blood but no victim and high tech life-extension science are all part of the investigation as Castle and Beckett try to solve a murder without a body. (Star Channel HD)