15.02 18:05
55 Min
Season 5 picks up on the proverbial morning after, with Castle and Beckett facing new questions -- Was this a one-time fling, or are they now a couple? (Star Channel HD)
15.02 18:05
55 Min
Castle 5, ep. 1. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama/Komedija (STAR Channel.)
15.02 18:05
55 Min
Season 5 picks up on the proverbial morning after, with Castle and Beckett facing new questions -- Was this a one-time fling, or are they now a couple? (STAR HD)
15.02 18:05
175 Min
Dramº (STAR)
15.02 19:00
55 Min
On Beckett's first day back from her suspension, she and Castle are thrown into the salacious world of local TV news when WHNY's veteran weather girl is found dead. (Star Channel HD)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
On Beckett's first day back from her suspension, she and Castle are thrown into the salacious world of local TV news when WHNY's veteran weather girl is found dead. (STAR HD)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
Castle 5, ep. 2. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama/Komedija (STAR Channel.)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
Richard Castle (Nathan Filion), un faimos scriitor de romane pline de mistere, este plictisit de propriul succes. Apoi află că un criminal real pune în practică scenele descrise în romanele sale. (AXN Romania)
15.02 19:00
60 Min
O mare surpriza ameninta sa strice nunta lui Castle si Beckett, care se apropie vertiginos. Cei doi sunt obligati sa isi asume o misiune indrazneata. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AXN)
15.02 19:30
60 Min
Castle Κ3 Ε5
DIS0019462891,8707765,4 (Μακεδονία TV HD)