19.01 14:30
41 Min
Castle VI.
(AXN Romania)
19.01 14:30
55 Min
Beckett este inca la Washington, iar Castle ii ajuta pe Esposito si Ryan sa investigheze cazul uciderii unui fost copil-vedeta. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AXN)
19.01 16:00
60 Min
Castle (Jocky TV)
19.01 16:00
60 Min
Amerikai Sorozatok (2011.), 60perc (Jocky TV)
19.01 17:00
60 Min
Amerikai Sorozatok (2011.), 60perc (Jocky TV)
19.01 17:00
60 Min
A Castle és Beckett egy pizzasütőben holtan talált férfi ügyét dolgozza fel, de kiderül, hogy nem az étteremhez köthető valaki - ez egy riporter. (Jocky TV)
19.01 18:05
55 Min
A murder scene complete with lots of blood but no victim and high tech life-extension science are all part of the investigation as Castle and Beckett try to solve a murder without a body. (STAR HD)
19.01 18:05
55 Min
A murder scene complete with lots of blood but no victim and high tech life-extension science are all part of the investigation as Castle and Beckett try to solve a murder without a body. (Star Channel HD)
19.01 18:05
115 Min
Winter Castle
Jenny feels an instant attraction to the handsome best man, Craig, at her sister's wedding. But her hopes of romance are quickly dashed when she is introduced to Craig's plus one, Lana. (Diva)
19.01 19:00
60 Min
The shooting death of a young woman points to Ryan's stolen gun as the murder weapon - the gun stolen earlier by serial killer 3XK. (Star Channel HD)