11.01 18:00
60 Min
Castle (Jocky TV)
11.01 18:05
60 Min
A murder has been committed on the set of 'Temptation Lane', one of New York's longest running soap operas. Sarah Cutler, the head writer on the soap, has been killed with a fire axe. (STAR HD)
11.01 18:05
55 Min
Richard Castle (Nathan Filion), un faimos scriitor de romane pline de mistere, este plictisit de propriul succes. Apoi află că un criminal real pune în practică scenele descrise în romanele sale. (AXN Romania)
11.01 18:05
60 Min
Castle 3, ep. 18. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama/Komedija (STAR Channel.)
11.01 18:05
55 Min
Viata lui Beckett e in pericol dupa ce paseste pe senzorul unei bombe si nu se mai poate misca din locul respectiv pana nu e dezamorsat dispozitivul. - Sursa: media-press.tv (AXN)
11.01 18:05
60 Min
A murder has been committed on the set of 'Temptation Lane', one of New York's longest running soap operas. Sarah Cutler, the head writer on the soap, has been killed with a fire axe. (Star Channel HD)
11.01 19:00
60 Min
Castle Κ2
DIS0019121028,8707741, (Μακεδονία TV HD)
11.01 19:00
60 Min
During the trial of a murdered socialite, Castle and Beckett discover a juror has been killed. They soon uncover that this seemingly innocent juror may be guilty of a crime themselves. (STAR HD)
11.01 19:00
60 Min
During the trial of a murdered socialite, Castle and Beckett discover a juror has been killed. They soon uncover that this seemingly innocent juror may be guilty of a crime themselves. (Star Channel HD)
11.01 19:00
41 Min
Castle V.
(AXN Romania)