24.09 08:55
55 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
Julius Caesar wanted to bring all of Gaul under his control, triggering a series of events that would bring his army to the brink of defeat - now archaeologists are uncovering what really happened. (Viasat History HD)
24.09 08:55
55 Min
Cezarov rat do sudnjeg dana
Julije Cezar je želeo da cela Galija bude pod njegovom kontrolom, što je dovelo do događaja koji će njegovu vojsku dovesti na ivicu propasti. Arheolozi pokušavaju da utvrde šta se tu yaista dogodilo. (Viasat History)
24.09 16:00
60 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
Julius Caesar wanted to bring all of Gaul under his control, triggering a series of events that would bring his army to the brink of defeat - now archaeologists are uncovering what really happened. (Viasat History HD)
24.09 16:00
60 Min
Cezarov rat do sudnjeg dana
Julije Cezar je želeo da cela Galija bude pod njegovom kontrolom, što je dovelo do događaja koji će njegovu vojsku dovesti na ivicu propasti. Arheolozi pokušavaju da utvrde šta se tu yaista dogodilo. (Viasat History)
25.09 08:55
55 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
We explore the events triggered by the uniting of Gaul tribes under freedom fighter Vercingetorix, and archaeologists find evidence of the defences that the Gauls built to fight off Caesar's legions. (Viasat History HD)
25.09 15:55
55 Min
Caesar's Doomsday War
We explore the events triggered by the uniting of Gaul tribes under freedom fighter Vercingetorix, and archaeologists find evidence of the defences that the Gauls built to fight off Caesar's legions. (Viasat History HD)
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