14.10 12:00
60 Min
Prue is forced to finally come to grips with the tragic death of her mother when she is given the chance to see the Angel of Death. (SciFi HD)
14.10 12:00
60 Min
Prue is forced to finally come to grips with the tragic death of her mother when she is given the chance to see the Angel of Death. (SCI FI HD)
14.10 13:45
55 Min
Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen
Der Wahrheitszauber Mystery, USA 1998 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Freitag, 11.10.2024, 16:30 Uhr) (ATV2 HD)
14.10 14:40
49 Min
Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen
Rückkehr aus dem Jenseits Mystery, USA 1998 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Freitag, 11.10.2024, 17:25 Uhr) (ATV2 HD)
14.10 15:00
60 Min
14.10 15:28
55 Min
Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen
Machtlos Mystery, USA 1999 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (ATV2 HD)
14.10 16:22
56 Min
Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen
Der Fluch der Urne Mystery, USA 1999 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (ATV2 HD)
14.10 19:00
60 Min
The original version of the US supernatural drama. As newlyweds Leo and Piper make plans to move out of the manor, the sisters recall a time before they knew they were the Charmed Ones. (SciFi HD)
14.10 19:00
60 Min
The original version of the US supernatural drama. As newlyweds Leo and Piper make plans to move out of the manor, the sisters recall a time before they knew they were the Charmed Ones. (SCI FI HD)
14.10 20:00
60 Min
The Charmed Ones and Leo personify the deadly sins at the hands of a demon, making Prue represent pride, Piper as gluttony, Leo as sloth and Phoebe as lust. (SciFi HD)
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