30.01 23:45
50 Min
Chicago Fire IV (19)
Adrenalín do žíl a slzy do očí. Elitný tím hasičov bojuje o životy druhých, zatiaľčo tie ich sú v stálom ohrození. (DOMA HD)
30.01 23:55
55 Min
Chicago Fire IV (19)
(I Will Be Walking), Seriál USA (2015-2016). Hrajú: J. Spencer, T. Kinney, M. Raymundová, K. Killmerová., (seriál, dr... (Doma HD)
30.01 23:55
55 Min
Chicago Fire IV (19)
(Doma HD)
31.01 00:50
45 Min
Chicago Fire
Grenzüberschreitung (Universal TV)
31.01 01:35
40 Min
Chicago Fire
Feindliche Übernahme (Universal TV)
31.01 02:15
40 Min
Chicago Fire
Am Scheideweg (Universal TV)
31.01 06:00
45 Min
Chicago Fire
Chief Boden makes a snap decision that steps on the toes of another chief, who responds to the incident by making things miserable for House 51. (STAR Life HD)
31.01 06:00
45 Min
Chicago Fire
Chief Boden makes a snap decision that steps on the toes of another chief, who responds to the incident by making things miserable for House 51. (STAR Life HD)
31.01 06:00
95 Min
Chicago fire
Dramº (STAR Life)
31.01 06:45
50 Min
Chicago Fire
Chief Anderson takes out his frustrations with Chief Boden by reassigning the members of House 51 to other location across the city. (STAR Life HD)