01.04 09:20
45 Min
Chicago Med
Plan B (Universal TV)
01.04 10:05
55 Min
Chicago Med
Drama Series - Ep. 18. An alarming phone call prompts Rhodes to rush out of an important surgery and Halstead comes to the aid of an FBI agent who is brought into the ED. (STAR Life HD)
01.04 10:05
55 Min
Chicago Med
Dramº (STAR Life)
01.04 10:05
45 Min
Chicago Med
Unter Beschuss (Universal TV)
01.04 10:05
55 Min
Chicago Med
Drama Series - Ep. 18. An alarming phone call prompts Rhodes to rush out of an important surgery and Halstead comes to the aid of an FBI agent who is brought into the ED. (STAR Life HD)
01.04 16:15
45 Min
Chicago Med
Die Bruchlandung (Universal TV)
01.04 17:00
45 Min
Chicago Med
Schweigen ist Silber (Universal TV)
01.04 17:45
45 Min
Chicago Med
Am Ende der Hoffnung (Universal TV)
01.04 18:30
45 Min
Chicago Med
Die Schreckensnachricht (Universal TV)
01.04 19:05
55 Min
Chicago Med
I Could See the Writing on the Wall S08 E18. Terwijl zijn gezondheid achteruitgaat, botst dr. Archer met dr. Charles over een patiënt die verlamming veinst. (Star Channel)