02.06 05:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
For those in a dilemma over what they will do on reaching their destination, let alone what to eat, the show is a... (Travelxp HD)
02.06 05:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (3)
Toronto, Canada (Travel XP)
02.06 05:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Toronto, Canada S01 E04. Be it a Vietnamese sandwich shop or kimchi fries, Alex begins his adventures in Toronto by sampling the wares of Asian food shops at Market 707. (Travel XP HD)
02.06 08:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
For those in a dilemma over what they will do on reaching their destination, let alone what to eat, the show is a... (Travelxp HD)
02.06 08:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Niagara, Canada E04. Besides witnessing dance performances near the Niagara Falls, Alex tucks into a lavish 5-course meal and learns about regional wines in Toronto. (Travel XP HD)
02.06 08:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (4)
Niagara, Canada (Travel XP)
02.06 11:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Vancouver, Canada E05. After visiting Bridges restaurant and Richmond Night Market Alex explores sights like Olympic Village, Gastown and Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. (Travel XP HD)
02.06 11:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (5)
Vancouver, Canada (Travel XP)
02.06 11:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
After visiting Bridges restaurant and Richmond Night Market Alex explores sights like Olympic Village, Gastown and... (Travelxp HD)
02.06 14:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
For those in a dilemma over what they will do on reaching their destination, let alone what to eat, the show is a... (Travelxp HD)
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