09.02 02:05
25 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 12 (DocuBox)
09.02 03:05
25 Min
Close Quarter Battle
"Special Operations" are special divisions of military, police or intelligence services that are highly qualified in specific areas of urban warfare and in a variety of special weapons and technology. (Docubox)
09.02 03:05
25 Min
Close Quarter Battle
No country other than France operates an elite military force that invites foreign nationals to serve in its ranks. (DocuBox HD)
10.02 17:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 13 (DocuBox)
11.02 17:30
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 01 (DocuBox)
12.02 17:40
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 02 (DocuBox)
12.02 22:00
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 11 (DocuBox)
12.02 22:30
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 12 (DocuBox)
13.02 17:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 03 (DocuBox)