10.02 17:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 13 (DocuBox)
10.02 18:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
"Special Operations" are special divisions of military, police or intelligence services that are highly qualified in specific areas of urban warfare and in a variety of special weapons and technology. (Docubox)
10.02 18:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ten years ago, thousands of US and Coalition forces personnel, ranging from elite soldiers to reservists, found themselves in the middle of two conflicts that required an entirely different approach. (DocuBox HD)
11.02 17:30
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 01 (DocuBox)
11.02 18:30
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
"Special Operations" are special divisions of military, police or intelligence services that are highly qualified in specific areas of urban warfare and in a variety of special weapons and technology. (Docubox)
12.02 17:40
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 02 (DocuBox)
12.02 22:00
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 11 (DocuBox)
12.02 22:30
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 12 (DocuBox)
13.02 17:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 03 (DocuBox)
14.02 17:25
30 Min
Close Quarter Battle
Ep. 04 (DocuBox)