17.01 21:30
30 Min
Today's Close-up
Over 270 people have died since the Noto Earthquake from disaster-related causes. Bad conditions at shelters and lack of healthcare are among the factors. We look at ways to improve disaster response. ()
17.01 21:30
30 Min
Today's Close-Up
From Survivors to Victims: Disaster-Related Deaths After Noto Earthquake (NHK WORLD)
17.01 21:30
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-000
Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
17.01 21:30
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-000
Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
18.01 04:10
30 Min
Today's Close-up
Over 270 people have died since the Noto Earthquake from disaster-related causes. Bad conditions at shelters and lack of healthcare are among the factors. We look at ways to improve disaster response. ()
18.01 04:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-000
Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
18.01 04:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-000
Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
18.01 04:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up
From Survivors to Victims: Disaster-Related Deaths After Noto Earthquake (NHK WORLD)
18.01 04:55
30 Min
Close Up
Amerikai Dokumentum (2011.), 30perc (Film Café)
18.01 04:55
30 Min
Close Up
Close Up (Film Cafe)
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