26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary
The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually... ()
26.02 18:30
90 Min
Close up
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close up
Georgia's Future Dream or Nightmare? (DW English HD)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close up: The Current.
The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. (DW English)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary
Документален, Германия, 2025, The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. (DW)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close Up
DIS0019113122 (Deutsche Welle)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
(DW English HD)
26.02 20:00
30 Min
Today's Close-Up
Plastics in Our Bodies: Emerging Health Risk (NHK WORLD)
26.02 20:00
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-948
Research has detected microplastics in human bodies and shown that they can harm our health - we look at the factors behind the problem and consider what the world can do to rein in plastic pollution. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
26.02 20:00
30 Min
Today's Close-up
Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests. ()
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