01.03 11:10
30 Min
Today's Close-up
Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests. ()
01.03 11:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-950
Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
01.03 11:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up: 4002-950
Three years after invading Ukraine, Russia is defying heavy sanctions and recording strong economic growth - we look at the so-called 'deathonomics' propping up Russia's GDP in this report. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
01.03 11:10
30 Min
Today's Close-Up
'Deathonomics': How Russia is Enjoying Growth (NHK WORLD)
01.03 18:30
30 Min
Breedbeeld Close-up
S02 E01. (Eclips TV)
02.03 05:00
40 Min
Close Up
Seria documentara prezintapovestile de viata, profesionale si detalii surprinzatoare din viata actorilor. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Film Cafe)
02.03 05:00
40 Min
Close Up
Seria documentară prezintăpoveştile de viaţă, profesionale şi detalii surprinzătoare din viaţa actorilor. (Film Cafe)
02.03 05:30
30 Min
Close Up
Close Up (AMC HU)
02.03 06:00
30 Min
Close Up I (10)
(Film +)
02.03 06:00
30 Min
Close Up I (10)
(Film+ HD)