23.10 22:00
95 Min
A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack. (TV1000)
23.10 22:00
95 Min
A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack. (TV1000 Balkan)
24.10 01:15
120 Min
Cloverfield Lane 10
Pewien mężczyzna przetrzymuje młodą dziewczynę w podziemnym bunkrze, wmawiając jej, że Ziemia stała się niezdatna do zamieszkania w wyniku brutalnych aktów przemocy. (Paramount Network Polska)
24.10 22:30
120 Min
10 Cloverfield Lane
A young woman is held in an underground bunker by a man who insists that a hostile event has left the surface of the Earth uninhabitable. (TV1000)
24.10 22:30
120 Min
10 Cloverfield Lane, film
10 CLOVERFIELD LANE (2016) Triler/SF (TV1000 Balkan)
24.10 22:30
120 Min
Strada Cloverfield 10
O tânără e ţinută captivă într-un buncăr subteran de către un bărbat care susţine că, în urma unei catastrofe, viaţa la suprafaţa Pământului nu mai e posibilă. (TV1000)
24.10 23:55
125 Min
Ulice Cloverfield 10
(Paramount Network)
24.10 23:55
125 Min
Ulice Cloverfield 10
Jednu chvíli jedete v autě, pak do vás z boku napálí nějaký idiot a vy se probudíte pomlácení, ale živí v podzemní kobce, kde vám neznámý podivín řekne, že jste vyhráli hlavní cenu v životní loterii. ()
25.10 00:30
95 Min
A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack. (TV1000)
25.10 00:30
95 Min
Cloverfield, film
Cloverfield (2008) Horor/Fantastika/Akcija (TV1000 Balkan)
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