09.03 15:50
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Pool Shark S11 E02. De toegewijde forensische onderzoekers van het Las Vegas Crime Lab, onder leiding van supervisor DB Russell, werken dag en nacht om de meest gruwelijke misdaden in Sin City op te lossen. (Play5)
09.03 23:45
56 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Altered stakes S12 E20. Een man die mede dankzij Stokes in de gevangenis is beland, maakt kans dat zijn vonnis nietig wordt verklaard. Het team zal nogmaals moeten bewijzen dat deze moordenaar schuldig is. (RTL8 HD)
10.03 08:15
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime drama series. When the team stumble on a murder victim while out on patrol with the Las Vegas police's mobile crime unit, the suspects include several street criminals whom they have already... (STAR Crime HD)
10.03 09:10
50 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime series starring Ted Danson. When a light aircraft crashes in the middle of Vegas, the team struggle to identify the victims and the saboteur. (STAR Crime HD)
10.03 10:50
50 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Pool Shark S11 E02. De toegewijde forensische onderzoekers van het Las Vegas Crime Lab, onder leiding van supervisor DB Russell, werken dag en nacht om de meest gruwelijke misdaden in Sin City op te lossen. (Play5)
10.03 16:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (3)
(Paramount Network)
10.03 18:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (4)
(Paramount Network)
10.03 20:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
DB and the team hunt the killer of a news anchor who was stabbed during a 20-second studio blackout, but as they investigate, they discover she was a far from popular person. (STAR Crime HD)
10.03 21:00
60 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Crime drama series. When the CSIs investigate the murder of a rising tennis star, whose fiercest rival was also her best friend, they find that her family history contains some deadly secrets. (STAR Crime HD)
11.03 03:30
55 Min
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (4)
(Paramount Network)
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