13.11 13:15
45 Min
Countdown to 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall divided Germany for almost 30 years. It tore families apart and destroyed lives. Both the construction and the fall of the Wall were key moments in German history -- and beyond. ()
13.11 13:15
45 Min
Countdown to 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Documentary. (DW English)
13.11 13:15
45 Min
Countdown to 1989
The Fall of the Berlin Wall (DW English HD)
13.11 13:15
30 Min
UFC Countdown: a UFC308 elé
(reklámfilm) (Sport2 HD)
13.11 13:15
45 Min
Countdown to 1989 - The Fall.
The Berlin Wall divided Germany for almost 30 years. It tore families apart and destroyed lives. Both the construction and the fall of the Wall were key moments in German history -- and beyond. (DW English)
13.11 15:10
50 Min
13.11 19:15
45 Min
Darts Live - Grand Slam of Darts Countdown
Darts Live - Grand Slam of Darts Countdown (SPORT1)
13.11 19:30
55 Min
UFC 309 Countdown: Jones vs. Miocic
(Nova Sport 6 HD)
14.11 00:10
60 Min
Top Ten! Der Geschmacks-Countdown
(Kabelio SAT.1 CH)
14.11 01:00
30 Min
NBA Countdown