03.03 18:00
45 Min
Critter Fixers: Κτηνίατροι στην Ύπαιθρο Κ3 Ε4
DIS0019505192,7367612,3 (National Geographic WILD HD)
03.03 18:00
44 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets
Hogs and Hisses S03 E04. An upstart veterinary clinic in rural Georgia treats a diverse array of animals of all shapes and sizes, all the while seeking to tell their own personal stories. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
03.03 18:00
45 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets
Hogs and Hisses. The Docs at Critter Fixer rush to save a fox's leg after a brutal attack and help a Black Labrador Retriever with a severe case of pyometra. Dr. Hodges comes face-to-face with an... ()
03.03 18:00
45 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets 3
Hogs and Hisses ()
03.03 18:44
44 Min
Příšerky v péči jižanských veterinářů - výběr
Dlouholetí kamarádi doktor Hodges a doktor Ferguson provozují vlastní kliniku. Ať už se jedná o pohotovostní výjezdy, nebo běžnou práci v ordinaci, veterinární tým je vždy přip (Nat Geo Wild HD)
03.03 18:44
44 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets: Compilations
Fish Out of Water S03 E03. Critter Fixer Dr. Hodges attempts to remove a massive tumor on a goldfish and takes on a rare medical condition. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
03.03 18:45
40 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets 3
Fish Out of Water ()
03.03 18:45
40 Min
Critter Fixers: Κτηνίατροι στην Ύπαιθρο Κ3 Ε3
DIS0019505194,7367612,2 (National Geographic WILD HD)
03.03 18:45
40 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets
Fish Out of Water. Dr. Hodges attempts to remove a massive tumor on a goldfish and takes on a rare medical condition. Dr. Ferguson has the honor of treating the Georgia state bird and performs surgery... ()
03.03 20:15
45 Min
Critter Fixers: Country Vets 3
Hogs and Hisses ()
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