29.12 21:25
70 Min
Tsunami: The Day the Wave Hit
Charlie is on the beach in Khao Lak with his dad Simon when the tsunami crashes into the hotel they are staying in; trapped in swirling water, Simon somehow saves Charlie from certain drowning. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 21:25
70 Min
Cunami: dan kada je udario.
Čarli je na plaži u Khao Laku sa svojim tatom Sajmonom kada se cunami obruši na hotel u kome su odseli. Zarobljen u uskovitlanoj vodi, Sajmon nekako spasava Čarlija od sigurnog utapanja. (Viasat History)
29.12 22:35
65 Min
Tsunami: The Day the Wave Hit
15 minutes after the tsunami hit Thailand, it crashes into the east coast of Sri Lanka; despite being 1100 miles from the epicentre, the waves are travelling at the speed of a passenger jet. (Viasat History HD)
29.12 22:35
65 Min
Cunami: dan kada je udario.
Petnaest minuta nakon što je cunami pogodio Tajland, srušio se na istočnu obalu Šri Lanke. Uprkos tome što su 1 100 milja od epicentra, talasi putuju brzinom putničkog aviona. (Viasat History)