02.03 04:00
75 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 16:19/s13) Reality-TV, USA, 2017. (6`eren HD)
02.03 08:05
110 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 8:22/s15) Reality, USA, 2019. (Kanal 9 HD - Text)
03.03 02:40
70 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 19:19/s13) Reality-TV, USA, 2017. (6`eren HD)
03.03 03:50
65 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 2:20/s14) Reality-TV, USA, 2018. (6`eren HD)
03.03 07:40
50 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 7:20/s14) Reality-TV, USA, 2018. (6`eren HD)
03.03 08:55
65 Min
Deadliest Catch
(Ep 9:22/s15) Reality, USA, 2019. (Kanal 9 HD syntolkning)
03.03 13:00
60 Min
Deadliest Catch
The safety of Bob's operation is jeopardised when another vessel collides with her boat. On the Barbara J, Jack gambles big to get home to honour a friend. (Discovery HD)
03.03 13:00
60 Min
Deadliest Catch 19
Victory At Sea (Discovery HD)
03.03 14:00
60 Min
Deadliest Catch
With $1 million in crab at stake, the Wizard battles unrelenting waves. Jake strikes bargain to aid another captain, but it may come at a cost. (Discovery HD)
03.03 14:00
60 Min
Deadliest Catch 19
The Better Captain (Discovery HD)