12.03 16:10
55 Min
Η Κατάρα του Νεκρού: Ο Χαμένος Χρυσός των Ισπανών Κ1 Ε8
DIS0019477764,7038166,7 (Viasat Explore HD)
12.03 16:10
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
A map left for his grandchildren shows that 1940s prospector Dick Carter was hot on Slumach's trail; the map leads the team back to Pitt Lake for one last attempt to find Slumach's gold. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 06:35
45 Min
Deadman's Curse
The Missing Jackson Letter S01 E01. De legende van Slumach's Lost Gold Mine gaat over een goudzoeker, bergbeklimmer en waarheidszoeker op zoek naar aanwijzingen in Pitt Lake, British Columbia. (History NL)
13.03 08:30
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
A map left for his grandchildren shows that 1940s prospector Dick Carter was hot on Slumach's trail; the map leads the team back to Pitt Lake for one last attempt to find Slumach's gold. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 08:30
55 Min
Η Κατάρα του Νεκρού: Ο Χαμένος Χρυσός των Ισπανών Κ1 Ε8
DIS0019477765,7038166,7 (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 16:10
55 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
A sketch on what could be Walter Jackson's map to the gold sends the team back to the Pitt, where a recurring marker points to a new theory at the heart of the Slumach legend. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 16:10
55 Min
Η Κατάρα του Νεκρού: Ο Χαμένος Χρυσός των Ισπανών Κ2 Ε1
DIS0019477767,7201739,0 (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 06:35
45 Min
Deadman's Curse
The Charnley Clues S01 E02. De nieuwe getuigenis van een oudere inheemse vrouw beweert te identificeren waar Slumach zijn goud vond. (History NL)
14.03 08:30
60 Min
Deadman's Curse: The Lost Spanish Gold
A sketch on what could be Walter Jackson's map to the gold sends the team back to the Pitt, where a recurring marker points to a new theory at the heart of the Slumach legend. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 08:30
60 Min
Η Κατάρα του Νεκρού: Ο Χαμένος Χρυσός των Ισπανών Κ2 Ε1
DIS0019477768,7201739,0 (Viasat Explore HD)
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