25.02 10:15
70 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 7.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
25.02 10:15
70 Min
Top Ten Warfare
Secrecy in war can mean the difference between victory and defeat; from spies to sabotage, military commanders often turn to secret plans at the height of war in order to gain a strategic advantage. (Viasat History HD)
25.02 10:15
70 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Tajnost u ratu može značiti razliku između pobjede i poraza. (Viasat History HD)
25.02 17:45
65 Min
Top Ten Warfare
Secrecy in war can mean the difference between victory and defeat; from spies to sabotage, military commanders often turn to secret plans at the height of war in order to gain a strategic advantage. (Viasat History HD)
25.02 17:45
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Tajnost u ratu može značiti razliku između pobjede i poraza. (Viasat History SD)
26.02 10:35
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 8.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
26.02 10:35
65 Min
Top Ten Warfare
The greatest 20th-century commanders understood warfare at both strategic and tactical level; some instilled loyalty in their troops through fear and intimidation while others inspired confidence. (Viasat History HD)
26.02 10:35
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Najveći zapovjednici 20. stoljeća razumjeli su ratovanje na strateškoj i taktičkoj razini. (Viasat History HD)
26.02 17:50
65 Min
Top Ten Warfare
The greatest 20th-century commanders understood warfare at both strategic and tactical level; some instilled loyalty in their troops through fear and intimidation while others inspired confidence. (Viasat History HD)
26.02 17:50
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Najveći zapovjednici 20. stoljeća razumjeli su ratovanje na strateškoj i taktičkoj razini. (Viasat History SD)
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