16.01 00:25
65 Min
Top Ten Warfare
The Mark 1 tank was first used in 1916 to give the Allies an advantage in the trenches; it changed how battles were fought and became the foundation of a century of innovation in armoured vehicles. (Viasat History HD)
16.01 00:25
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 10.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
16.01 00:25
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Tenk Mark 1 prvi se put koristio 1916. godine kako bi Saveznicima dao prednost u rovovima. (Viasat History HD)
17.01 00:20
65 Min
Top Ten Warfare
Air supremacy has been key to winning a war since the dawn of aerial warfare; from the Sopwith Camel biplane to the F22 Raptor, we identify and rank the most influential aircrafts in history. (Viasat History HD)
17.01 00:20
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 1.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
17.01 00:20
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Zračna nadmoć bila je ključna za pobjedu u ratu od samih početaka zračnog ratovanja: od dvokrilca Sopwith Camel do... (Viasat History HD)
18.01 00:15
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 2.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
18.01 00:15
65 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba
Bitke 20. stoljeća promijenile su tijek povijesti. (Viasat History HD)
21.01 00:15
70 Min
Deset ratnih sukoba modernog doba, ep. 3.
Top Ten Warfare Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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