12.10 16:10
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Uoči svojeg oslobođenja, dr. (Epic Drama HD)
12.10 16:10
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
On the eve of her exoneration, Ogden is a dinner guest at the home of Warden Hymus, but things get extremely heated when the Warden is stabbed with a steak knife just before the baked Alaska... (Epic Drama HD)
12.10 16:10
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 16, ep. 20. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
12.10 23:20
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
After a man is found shot in the head in a boarding house, the unusual military revolver used in the killing is traced back to Brackenreid; roused from his sleep, the Inspector is arrested for murder. (Epic Drama HD)
12.10 23:20
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Nakon što u jednom pansionu pronađu muškarca ustrijeljenog u glavu, neobični vojni revolver korišten pri ubojstvu... (Epic Drama HD)
12.10 23:20
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 16, ep. 13. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
13.10 00:05
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
The constabulary are dealing with citizens fearing the end of the world due to the pending arrival of Halley's Comet; after a doomsayer is murdered, Murdoch finds himself in an out-of-town salt mine. (Epic Drama HD)
13.10 00:05
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 16, ep. 14. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
13.10 00:05
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Policija ima pune ruke posla s građanima koji se boje smaka svijeta zbog nadolazećeg pojavljivanja Halleyjevog kometa. (Epic Drama HD)
13.10 00:50
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Violet se iznova susreće s privatnim istražiteljem Isaiahom Buchananom. (Epic Drama HD)
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