30.09 18:30
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Nakon što je uz tijelo pronađeno u uličici pronađena i tarot karta smrti, Murdoch posumnja da je zločin povezan s... (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 18:30
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When a body is found in an alley with a death tarot card, Murdoch suspects that it is linked to a contested psychic event. (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 18:30
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 17, ep. 12. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
30.09 19:15
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Prilikom Crabtreejevog putovanja na sjever s ciljem presretanja svog oca u bijegu, nailazi na mrtvog policajca i... (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 19:15
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 17, ep. 13. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
30.09 19:15
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Crabtree journeys north to intercept his fugitive father, he finds a dead policeman and community of scallywags. (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 23:20
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Crabtree je šokiran kad se Amelia Ernst, jedna od poremećenih sestara koje su ga otele, sama preda. (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 23:20
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Crabtree is shocked when Amelia Ernst, one of the deranged sisters who abducted him, turns herself in; Effie intends to make her face the full force of justice but is hobbled by a clever lawyer. (Epic Drama HD)
30.09 23:20
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 15, ep. 22. serija
Murdoch Mysteries 15 Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
01.10 00:00
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
After a man resembling Murdoch is murdered, the detective investigates while being vigilant about his own safety and that of baby Susannah. (Epic Drama HD)
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