19.10 13:00
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 13, ep. 9. serija
DETEKTIV MURDOCH 13 Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
19.10 13:00
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Ogden suspects that a young woman in dire condition after falling from a balcony was pushed; as Murdoch investigates her family, he learns that Jane appeared to be suffering from hysteria. (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 13:00
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Dr. Ogden sumnja da je mlada žena, koja je u lošem stanju nakon pada s balkona, bila gurnuta. (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 13:45
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 13, ep. 10. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
19.10 13:45
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When a whiskey baron and his family are killed in a bloody execution, Murdoch enlists Ogden to coax details from the only witness, but Jacob Quincannon is in shock and unable to provide much detail. (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 13:45
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Nakon krvavog smaknuća kralja viskija i njegove obitelji, Murdoch zatraži dr. (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 14:30
50 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Honoured to speak at a conference featuring the greatest minds of the 20th century, Murdoch must put aside his remarks and spring into action after inventor Nikola Tesla goes missing. (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 14:30
50 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 13, ep. 11. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
19.10 14:30
50 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Počašćen prilikom da održi govor na konferenciji na koju su pozvani najveći umovi 20. stoljeća, Murdoch se mora... (Epic Drama HD)
19.10 15:20
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Brackenreid is on a fox hunt at the estate of Bernard Helmsworthy when the hounds discover a man's dead body; the investigation reveals sabotage when they find twine strung between trees. (Epic Drama HD)
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