20.01 16:30
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 17, ep. 14. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
20.01 16:30
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Murdoch investigates the bizarre death of a science professor, it appears as though the murder weapon may have been a swarm of bees. (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 16:30
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Murdoch istražuje bizarnu smrt profesora znanosti, a čini se da je oružje kojim je ubojstvo počinjeno _ roj pčela. (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 17:15
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Watts is abducted after he and Murdoch go north on a treasure hunt to find stolen Incan gold and a murder. (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 17:15
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 17, ep. 15. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
20.01 17:15
45 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Nakon što je s Murdochom otišao na sjever u potrazi za inkanskim zlatom i ubojicom, Watts biva otet. (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 19:35
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch
Murdoch sumnja da je iznenadna smrt čovjeka prilikom čitanja evanđelja povezana s vatrenim šarlatanskim... (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 19:35
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murdoch suspects that the sudden death of man at a gospel revival is connected to a fiery charlatan preacher and nun. (Epic Drama HD)
20.01 19:35
40 Min
Detektiv Murdoch 17, ep. 16. serija
Murdoch Mysteries Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
20.01 20:15
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murdoch helps Terrence Meyers investigate the leading prime ministerial candidate after the murder of a fired associate of his. (Epic Drama HD)
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