28.06 12:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Steve Pateman is fighting to make Sumo more accessible by encouraging individuals typically sidelined from sports to try it for free at his gym in the UK. We ask him how Sumo can change lives. ()
28.06 12:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Steve Pateman / President, British Sumo Federation (NHK WORLD)
28.06 12:40
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-123
Steve Pateman is fighting to make sumo more accessible by encouraging individuals typically sidelined from sports to try it for free at his gym in the UK - we ask him how sumo can change lives. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
28.06 17:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Steve Pateman is fighting to make Sumo more accessible by encouraging individuals typically sidelined from sports to try it for free at his gym in the UK. We ask him how Sumo can change lives. ()
28.06 17:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Steve Pateman / President, British Sumo Federation (NHK WORLD)
28.06 17:15
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2105-123
Steve Pateman is fighting to make sumo more accessible by encouraging individuals typically sidelined from sports to try it for free at his gym in the UK - we ask him how sumo can change lives. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
28.06 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Despite all obstacles, then-Director Bill Kramer led the Academy Museum to its successful opening in 2021. With his proven leadership, Bill became the new CEO of A.M.P.A.S. in July 2022. ()
28.06 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk
Bill Kramer / CEO of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (NHK WORLD)
28.06 19:40
15 Min
Direct Talk: 2058-943
Despite all obstacles, then-Director Bill Kramer led the Academy Museum to its successful opening in 2021 - with his proven leadership, Bill became the new CEO of AMPAS in July 2022. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
01.07 02:15
15 Min
Direct Talk
Saving Lives with Toilets (NHK WORLD)
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