11.02 13:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
French Rivers To Med. (DocuBox)
11.02 14:10
25 Min
Distant Shores
East Coast Of Ireland (DocuBox)
11.02 14:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
Join award-winning hosts Sheryl and Paul Shard as they embark on the ultimate nautical adventure. Follow the couple as they explore a life at sea and the world's most stunning exotic shorelines. (Docubox)
11.02 14:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
Series 9 of Distant Shores follows Paul and Sheryl Shard on a diverse voyage from England through the inland waterways of France to the Mediterranean Sea, an Atlantic crossing, and island-hopping in. (DocuBox HD)
11.02 15:10
25 Min
Distant Shores
Join award-winning hosts Sheryl and Paul Shard as they embark on the ultimate nautical adventure. Follow the couple as they explore a life at sea and the world's most stunning exotic shorelines. (Docubox)
11.02 15:10
25 Min
Distant Shores
From Waterford on the southeast coast of Ireland, Paul and Sheryl sail north along the coast of the Irish Sea visiting small fishing ports as well as the large ports of Dun Laoghaire and Dublin. (DocuBox HD)
12.02 13:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
Morocco (DocuBox)
12.02 14:10
25 Min
Distant Shores
Crinan Canal (DocuBox)
12.02 14:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
Join award-winning hosts Sheryl and Paul Shard as they embark on the ultimate nautical adventure. Follow the couple as they explore a life at sea and the world's most stunning exotic shorelines. (Docubox)
12.02 14:45
25 Min
Distant Shores
Series 9 of Distant Shores follows Paul and Sheryl Shard on a diverse voyage from England through the inland waterways of France to the Mediterranean Sea, an Atlantic crossing, and island-hopping in. (DocuBox HD)
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