04.03 12:40
50 Min
Divlja Mongolija: Zemlja.
Zarobljena na planinskoj visoravni u srcu Azije nalazi se jedna od najekstremnijih pustinja na svetu. Pustinja Gobi. (National Geographic Wild)
04.03 12:40
50 Min
Wild Mongolia: Land of Extremes
Trapped on a mountain plateau at the heart of Asia, lies one of the most extreme desert environments in the world, The Gobi. ()
04.03 13:00
50 Min
Divlja Mongolija: Zemlja ekstrema, ep. 2. Ekstremni travnjaci
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
04.03 13:30
45 Min
Wild Mongolia: Land of Extremes
Found between the Taiga forest and the Gobi desert, the Mongolian Steppe is home to animals whose lives revolve around one crucial thing: grass. ()
04.03 13:50
50 Min
Divlja Mongolija: Zemlja ekstrema, ep. 3. Kraljevstvo nad oblacima
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
04.03 14:15
45 Min
Wild Mongolia: Land of Extremes
Mongolia's Altai Mountains are a golden backdrop to some of the most iconic and elusive animals in the world. ()
04.03 22:25
50 Min
Wild Mongolia: Land of Extremes
Found between the Taiga forest and the Gobi desert, the Mongolian Steppe is home to animals whose lives revolve around one crucial thing: grass. ()
04.03 23:20
50 Min
Divlja Mongolija: Zemlja ekstrema, ep. 2. Ekstremni travnjaci
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
04.03 23:55
50 Min
Wild Mongolia: Land of Extremes
Trapped on a mountain plateau at the heart of Asia, lies one of the most extreme desert environments in the world, The Gobi. ()
05.03 01:00
50 Min
Divlja Mongolija: Zemlja ekstrema, ep. 1. Preživjeli u pustinji
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
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