27.10 07:10
60 Min
Divlji zapad, ep. 4.
The Frontier Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.10 07:10
60 Min
Divlji Zapad
Teritorij Kalifornije pokazao se neprocjenjivim jer je pronalazak zlata pokrenuo najveću migraciju u povijesti SAD-a... (Viasat History HD)
27.10 07:10
60 Min
The territory of California proves invaluable as the discovery of gold unleashes the largest migration in US history and ignites a debate on slavery that culminates in the American Civil War. (Viasat History HD)
27.10 08:10
60 Min
Divlji zapad, ep. 5.
The Frontier Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.10 08:10
60 Min
Divlji Zapad
Željezničkom utrkom za povezivanjem Istočne i Zapadne obale započinje novo poglavlje američke dominacije i dovodi do... (Viasat History HD)
27.10 08:10
60 Min
A race of the railroads to join the East and West Coasts begins a new chapter in US dominance and leads to the rise of an American icon: the cowboy. (Viasat History HD)
27.10 09:10
55 Min
As the century draws to a close, the scars of systematic ethnic cleansing of native peoples - along with US claims on land - seemingly ends "the frontier" chapter in American history. (Viasat History HD)
27.10 09:10
55 Min
Divlji zapad, ep. 6.
The Frontier Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.10 09:10
55 Min
Divlji Zapad
Ova serija istražuje legende, događaje i folklor Divljeg zapada, mjesta koje je postalo dijelom jednog od presudnih... (Viasat History HD)
28.10 03:55
45 Min
The territory of California proves invaluable as the discovery of gold unleashes the largest migration in US history and ignites a debate on slavery that culminates in the American Civil War. (Viasat History HD)
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