03.02 01:20
195 Min
Dobri pastir, film
The Good Shepherd (2006) Drama/Triler (TV1000 Balkan)
03.02 01:20
195 Min
The Good Shepherd
Edward Wilson believes in America and will sacrifice everything to protect it, but as one of the founders of the CIA, his idealism is slowly eroded by his growing suspicion of the people around him. (TV1000)
03.02 02:50
255 Min
Dobri pastir
Istraživanje zločina u religijskom okruženju nije bilo ovako uzbudljivo još od "Imena ruže". (UNA TV)
03.02 21:00
190 Min
Dobri pastir, film
The Good Shepherd (2006) Drama/Triler (TV1000 Balkan)
03.02 21:00
190 Min
The Good Shepherd
Edward Wilson believes in America and will sacrifice everything to protect it, but as one of the founders of the CIA, his idealism is slowly eroded by his growing suspicion of the people around him. (TV1000)